
Go and Learn in Europe




A INSIGNARE é uma Associação sem fins lucrativos, detentora de duas Escolas Profissionais de nível IV, tem o GIP – Gabinete de Inserção Profissional, o CQEP – Centro de Qualificação e Ensino Profissional, o Centro de Formação Contínua, o Gabinete de Cooperação Internacional, o Gabinete de Comunicação e Imagem, a Unidade de Apoio ao Aluno e à Família e o Gabinete Administrativo e Financeiro.

A internacionalização da sua atividade foi estrategicamente considerada, sendo um desses pilares a mobilidade de curta duração do seu pessoal. Este projeto operacionaliza esse desiderato, através da frequência de cinco cursos de formação, adequados às necessidades de formação e de manifesto impacto, com 40 participantes. Os cursos são “Bringing Creativity & Thinking Skills into the Educational Process”, “Sistema Dual Alemão”, “Benchmarking ao Sistema Educativo Finlandês”, “Introduction to EU Funding: Grants and Tenders”, “European Law - Public Calls and Public Tenders”.



Project summary:

INSIGNARE is a non-profit association which owns two EU level IV VET schools: Ourém Professional School and Fátima Hospitality School. As additional areas, simultaneously internal and external, it has GIP - Office of Professional Insertion (local employment service working under contract with Public Employment Service); CQEP - Center for Education and Professional Qualification (local/regional service for vocational/professional guidance, referral training and competences validation, working under protocol with ANQEP – Public VET Service); Centre for Continuing Education (aimed at companies and adults wishing to obtain and/or supplement their training with short and medium term courses, EU-funded or self-financing). Internally organizes itself with important departments for this application: the International Cooperation one; the Communication and Image one; the Student and Family Support Unit and the Administrative and Financial one.

The internationalization of its activity was strategically considered, being short duration mobilities of its teachers and staff one of those pillars. This project operationalizes this goal by applying 40 participants to five training courses suited to the needs and with obvious impact: "Bringing Creativity & Thinking Skills Into the Educational Process", “German Dual System”, “Finnish Best Practices - Benchmarking”, “Introduction to EU Funding: Grants and Tenders”, “European Law - Public Calls and Public Tenders”.


Datas / Dates: 10/2014 – 08/2016

Número de participantes / number of participants: 40 docentes e pessoal de apoio/teachers and staff
