
Just Be Humans!- Say No To Any Forms Of Discrimination And Violence


O projeto aborda dois grupos-alvo. O primeiro deles é o dos professores que lidam diariamente com problemas relacionados com a violência e o bullying. Trocarão experiências e práticas relacionadas com o tema, podendo analisar semelhanças, diferenças, identificar boas práticas e aplicá-las nas suas próprias escolas. O segundo grupo-alvo é obviamente o dos alunos, cujas atitudes negativas queremos mudar.



The project addresses two target groups. The first of them is that of the teachers who deal with problems related to violence and bullying on a daily basis. They will exchange experiences and practices related to the topic, thus being able to analyse the similarities, differences, identify good practices and apply them at their own schools. The second target group is obviously that of students whose negative attitudes we wish to change.


Parceiros / Partners:

Székács Elemér Mezögazdasági és Élelmiszeripari Szakgimnázium, Szakközépiskola és Kollégium (, Hungria / Hungary

ITI "G.B. Bosco Lucarelli" (, Itália / Italy

Zespol Szkol Ponadgimnazjalnych im. prof. Czeslawa Majorka w Ryglicach (, Polónia / Poland

Unye Doga High School (, Turquia / Turkey


Datas / Dates:

01-09-2018 / 31-08-2020


Número de participantes / number of participants:

23 alunos e 5 docentes / 23 students and 5 teachers
